June 6, 2008 - I applied to bring my wife to Canada, the processing center in Mississauga received the application
July 4 - They opened the application, it only took them 1 month!!
July 6 - I was approved as a sponsor
July 14 - My wife received a letter from the Beijing embassy, stating that her application was to be processed in Hong Kong, oh joy!
July 21 - My wife's file was received at the Hong Kong Consulate. Their staff's english skills are not so great, they asked me to fill in question #15 on an application form concerning her address which basically stated to fill in "Your mailing address
if different from residential address in #14" They are the same so I left if blank originally!!! But she moved so it worked out that I gave them her new addy.
Sept 1 - I emailed the HK consulate, to see what was up.
Sept 2 - they opened the file for her, finally!
October 31 - they sent a letter her, and my copy to her, even though they were to send correspondence to me (bad english skills again) stating that they needed more 'credible' information of a spousal relationship. I brought my mother to her freekin' village in Guizhou for our wedding, that's not enough????
The deadline given was 60 days. They received my package December 15ish.
Jan 1, 2009 - I just submitted my phone bills to her for the last 2 months, next I am going to send them my plane ticket and visa.