talked to the wifey today at work. She has surgery Saturday morning China time. I'm a little nervous.
She was sounding depressed, that I would not like her because she was too much trouble, and that I would not want to see her in the hospital. I had to reassure her that one surgery is no problem, she just has to follow doctors orders strictly this time.
after Muay Thai class my instructor asked me the first thing I was going to do with my wife when she comes here. I said "umm, have sex..." He laughed, he said he meant as in show her places, not my ceiling!
I sent my wife a text message,
Then I called her, she did not want to talk long. I think she went for surgery because she sounded drugged up. She didn't want to talk about what they did....but I think she didn't want to talk long. I hope. I am thankful I will be on a plane soon to see her.
just tried calling the wife. Her friend answered. She (wife)won't be back at the hospital room until the evening China time. I guess she is getting testing/X-rayed. I told her friend to tell the wifey I called. I think it was Ah-qin (don't know the pinyin) because her voice is deep. It was weird sort of, I never thought one day I would be having conversations in Chinese with people in Chinese.
I was supposed to MSN with my wife at 11.00. But she's in the hospital with her lung problem again. They said she was to stay for 10 days. I think it is because the doctor from '07 told her not to drink for 3 years. But she thought she was ok and didn't listen. Now she understands, and can't drink for 5.
but this is going to suck when I'm there next week, sleeping with her in the hospital. F**K F**K F**K F**K F**K F**K F**K F**K F**K F**K F**K F************************************K!!! !@$#@!%!$%!@$#!@$#
So my wife finally noticed my shiner from Muay Thai, but she was happy to see the cat. "Wiinnnnston!!" You can see my sister in the background in pic 1.
My wife is hungover. She drank too much 10% rice wine. She put a red mark on her face on the bridge of her nose. Good thing she didn't she the small shiner I have from Muay Thai.
In China there is a lot of challenge and 'honour' drinking I will call it. It's not like here where you can just say no.
We talked to today, I was pissed because my passport hadn't shown up yet, but later it did. Hooray I can go back to China.
My wife has to go to Shenzhen, she didn't want to talk about it, it's for her Weesa (Visa) because outside of China she can spend a lot, inside China the limit is small
talked to the wifey. She said when we buy a house, she wants to pick the furniture. Fine np. I like her taste.....we'll just see how much it costs... :) And I don't like 乱七八糟 luàn qī bā zāo (mess!)
She says she learns most of her english from me, but some words I know she learned somewhere else.
Talked to the wifey this morning. When I'm back in thamuthafunkin'ZhōngGuó she wants me to go back with her to Anlong. 8月25——27是安龙的荷花节日 She doesn't understand, I already used my vacation.
But she is going to take me shopping to Fumen 虎门 in Dongguan. I thought it translates to hǔmén 'Hoooman!!!' Like the Ferengi that used to f**k me over on Tradewars. Looking for this image below I found this other stuff. OMFG.
10=拾=十 some words in Chinese have the same sound, so you only know by context what it meant.
My wife says I'm skinny. Someone else at work noticed too. It's because of Muay Thai. But I'm actually 160 lbs. I think the weight went into my legs (kicks).
She thinks I'm crazy because I had my nipple pierced. 疯 fēng. But she wants to get matching tattoos on our wrists, because she has a scar on her wrist. I told her in Canadian culture it's not that good to have visible tattoos at your day job.
People know the buzzword "Marriage of convenience"
It was convenient for me to marry a girl half way around the world?? It was convenient for me to bring my mother 2 miles into the mountains where there is no indoor plumbing for my marriage??? It is convenient for me to have to webcam with my wife instead of being with her face to face?
Can someone explain to me the convenience in this whole thing?