This is the letter informing HK to reopen my wife's file and give her a visa. I just notified them of her address change, she will have to get a medical again. Have to wait for that letter...
I went to the ADR Conference, and the officer decided to grant my wife a visa.
I was told they will send me the notification letter, then notify Hong Kong, then my wife will have to get another physical and submit that. She could be here in 6 months-ish.
I won't be updating this page daily any more, except for the last steps. But I will keep it up for others to reference.
Called my wife, I thought she'd be angry because only called her once when in the US. Stupid Wind Mobile wouldn't give me a roaming signal. f**kers. She explained to me that her Shenzhen number and ZMT number cost the same. I thought the ZMT# was cheaper.
She wants me to get ready for the ADR tomorrow.
I expect to be disappointed, that's ok I'll just move to China. All hell can't stop me.
talked to my wife. She asked about my Chinese class. She asked about my trip to the US. She asked if the teacher was younger, and the manager I'm traveling with. She told me "I don't like you and younger girl together".
I'm going to tell her I'm going to class not wearing any pants.
talked to my wife briefly just before Mandarin class. I was at Seneca (I got a 'Wind Home' signal this time!!) so I told her it was just before class, I was at "dà xué" 大学 She told me she wants me to learn good Chinese.
talked to my wife today. After I explained and clarified to her that she couldn't be called next week at my ADR, she said "I now understand more." I was pretty impressed, it's the first grammatically correct english sentence she has said.
She had to go outside "wai mian" to where the one dog Xiao Hei (little black) sleeps to get a good signal. Her mother was listening so she couldn't kiss me goodbye. "Mother is here"
Talked to my wife today from the consultant's office to meet with the lawyer.
She told me to ask her what happened at the meeting. Now I have to call her. The lawyer basically said "WTF happened at the interview?" The f**king translator was a douche bag, that's what. He didn't do his job.
The ADR is supposed to go like a pos, and I'll end up having the option of reapplying, or going to a court hearing. If we lose the court hearing, she never gets to enter Canada. I've already made up my mind, we're going all in.
Called my wife today. She was in bed. Her throat is still a little sore. She was telling me about their new dog Wáng 王Cai, it means King something. He gets separation anxiety, when they leave the house he barks a lot.
Talked to my wife. Her throat is still a little sore and she was getting ready for bed. I told her the phrase in English "getting ready to go to bed" which she said back "go to bed now." Country life is not that exciting!
I finished reading all the posts of Thirty Days in a Fuzhou Barbershop and I would highly recommend it. After seeing barber shop after barber shop in China, they make a little more sense.
He talks about this term huān yíng guāng lín 欢迎光临 when you enter a store and how unpleasant it sounds. I agree!
烧烤 shāo kǎo - barbecued meat. I like to order fish when I'm there, but worry about the mercury.
talked to my wife briefly. She was in bed, and didn't want to use a loud voice. She asked me what I had planned for today, study Chinese, and go to jiu jitsu 久柔术 jiǔ róu shù I said
talked to the wife for 18:00 minutes exactly just now.
I told her how there are 15 students in my Mandarin class (surprising). She talked about how she did not study English well at home, but better in a class (me too).
She doesn't like how the new puppy doesn't follow her around, and always wants to run off in random places. She said we might not get a dog when she comes here (if).
Her throat is sore. She is bored in Guizhou, and says her friends want her to come visit them in Xīnqiáo 新桥.
She then told me the airport in 兴义 Xīngyì is "off". I then said 关门 guān mén (closed doors). FAAACKKK!!! That means we'll have to take the train to visit her parents. Then take the bus to Guiyang if we want to go to Vietnam. Too many days taken up in travel.
Jan 8 - we talked but I don't remember much. We talked about how I had Chinese class the next day
Jan 9 - I just called her, she was still in bed. I told her I thought that she was always up early at her parents, then she (in a groggy voice) giggled and told me "sometimes she sleeps late."
Then the friggin' signal dropped. I think Wind is having problems. f**k. and I'm bored, if she was here we could go out or something.
talked to my wife today. She and her brother|sister were playing cards using a pack I had gave them. She told me first "You give me liar!"
Which confused me, I thought I was in trouble for something. Then she explained how they were playing cards "我们扑克!" Them and the new dog "Wen cai" Her mother was staying the night in town, so they were staying up late as she shoes them off to bed. Her father had already gone to bed, he had some beer she told me so I guess he was happy.
My wife told me I should have called her after I sent her texts about the surprise. I thought she was asleep when I sent them. She told me she goes to bed whenever she wants, but last night didn't go to bed until midnight. When I called her at 10pm China time she was in bed.
She wants to go to Vietnam for a few days, which is fine by me, but I just want to go to the beach. I kind of want to go back to Thailand....But concerning Vietnam I wonder their attitude toward currency, since the gold trade is being driven underground. She wants to go to her parents first, and fly out from there directly to Vietnam since it's close to Guiyang.
I talked with my wife, she was in the 'kitchen' at her parents ("wei mein nar"). I referred to the house as 'her house' as we do in Canada, she corrected me and told me it was 'her father's.' I then explained to her I was using a figure of speech, it's understood it's her father.
Later I txt'd her, telling her I have a 'BIG suprise!!'
I booked my ticket to go back to see her in March. I booked a seat behind the 'elite' seats. I figure maybe a tall interesting sports figure will sit there, or someone who has the income to sit there, like Richard Branson. Hopefully I won't get burned and it's a mother with her babies. EVERY flight there is a baby, and EVERY flight it screams. It's the most annoying thing in the world. When my wife and I have kids, I'm waiting until the kid can at least walk.
Regardless of the outcome of the ADR I'm going back. I even wrote that on the ticket when I went to the consultant today. I also gave the consultant receipts from Victoria's Secret and a note from my mother explaining the stuff she bought from there - now that I think about it, I think maybe it's a little odd, your mother helping to buy lingerie for your wife? My grandmother wants more great grand kids, so maybe not.
Talked to my wife when I awoke at my buddy's place. She said I was speaking differently again, but it's because forcing myself to wake early to call her I was feeling a little zombie-like, and I was dehydrated from the fireplace and staying up late watching Zombieland (don't bother).
She still thinks the bar was filled with girls and that I wasn't paying attention to the fights - the waitress was annoying standing in the way asking for us if we wanted anything.
I am excited to bring her here so she can see, and we can wager on the fights, she likes to do that - like we used to do on the train from Shenzhen to Zhangmutou watching on my laptop.
talked to my wife, not for very long because of a friggin' migraine. It makes me talk different too (slur), my wife said my pǔ tōng huà 普通話 was different, she asked if I was drinking.
Her family got a new dog, I know she likes dogs but her talking about the new puppy it was obvious. They bought it for 20 RMB. In NA english, when I imitate barking it's "ruff, rrruf, ruff" but her being native Chinese it's "wuah, wuah, wuah."
just got off the phone with my wife, they have no power at her parents. Or power problems because of the heavy rain.
She thought I went out drinking last night, but after we talked I watched the Canada junior hockey game until it was 4-2, watched K-1 Dynamite! then organized my files and Chinese notes. I told her going out for New Years without her is not interesting.
She told me how her father likes the baseball hat I brought her, but the size is off. I will have to bring more.