Your girlfriend isn't the only one faking itTake a closer look at the packaging next time you use a condom, as it may not be quite what you paid for- Recently an underground production line manufacturing fake brand-name condoms was uncovered in Shaoyang, Hunan Province. Among the counterfeit condoms were such recognizable brands as Love Card, NOX, and Durex.
A Shaoyang City Drug Administration search revealed more than 1,620,000 poor-quality condoms set to be packaged in imitation wrappers, according to a piece translated by China Hush. The production line was located in a residential area and spanned three buildings, making it the largest recorded case of manufacturing fraud in Hunan province.
It seems the production line was owned by Li Anping, a local farmer - and apparent entrepreneur. Li has been renting the buildings since March and hired migrant workers to operate the production and packaging of the counterfeit condoms.
According to Li's confession to a Food and Drug Administration official, he has already sold over 480,000 condoms, most of which were circulated in Hunan, Guangdong, Hubei and ‘other places’. Reports on how this will affect the Chinese birth rate will not be available for another nine months